Thursday, February 25, 2021

Society Cleaners at the Movies

Society Cleaners, a movie set

Society Cleaners' Art Deco architecture has been featured in a museum exhibit at the Frost Art Museum, in a fashion shoot and in professional photographers' architectural studies. It is now the Coral Gables boutique dry cleaners' turn to be the setting for a movie.

The opening scenes of a motion picture detailing the history of an immigrant story were recently filmed in our premises. It seemed very important for us to support independent film making when the producer is a woman with a great artistic vision and a wonderful script.  A confidentiality contract does not allow our company to reveal the title, producer's name nor studio. The film is obviously in its early stages. 

For legal reasons and to preserve the sound requirements, we were not allowed to take pictures during the actual filming, the actors, dolly, sound system and lighting.  Care was taken by the studio to protect our customers' clothes, covering them with a heavy plastic material.

We will keep everyone updated about the future release.

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